Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Why Are Scooters So Popular?

Sure, the "petrol prices" are assisting the boom in scooter sales, but there are many other reasons:
  • The lower price of scooters
  • The ease of use
  • The freedom
  • The rediscovery of youth
  • "Free" and easy parking
  • They are a babe magnet (it's true!)
  • The environmental benefits?
  • We think it's just because they are FUN and COOL!
...but is there another reason??

Because us folk at scooterhire.co.nz do the hard work for you, we are happy to share with a selected few a more compelling reason why scooters are becoming sooo popular:

For those that are interested, the "model" in the video is a V-Moto Milan and is available from scooterhire.co.nz by the hour!