With the boom of sales, we anticipate that there will be some amendment to the rules and regulations governing scooters. We all know that if people find freedom and enjoyment the government will find ways to regulate or tax it!
The following is extracted from The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) website www.ltsa.govt.nz:
Mopeds share the roads with motor vehicles. If you ride a moped, then for your own safety and the safety of other road users, you must follow the road rules for moped riders, and you must have the right equipment.
What rules must I follow?
- You must have a driver licence. This can be any class of New Zealand licence. If you don't hold an New Zealand licence, you may be able to use an overseas licence. Refer to Factsheet 56, New residents and visitors - driving in New Zealand for more information.
- Your moped must have the right equipment.
- You must ride on the road - you can't ride on the footpath or a cycle path. Keep as far left as you can. You may use bus lanes, as long as there isn't a sign forbidding this.
- If you're riding with other mopeds or cyclists, don't ride more than two abreast. Ride in single file when you're passing other vehicles - including parked vehicles.
- If you don't have direction indicators or stop lamps, use a clear arm signal when you intend to turn and reduce your speed or stop before making the turn.
- At intersections, you must follow the road rules for motor vehicles, or get off your moped and walk across.
- You can only carry a passenger if your moped has a pillion seat and footrests for the passenger. A container or seat for an infant must protect their legs from the wheels.
- You can tow a trailer with your moped, but you can't tow any other sort of vehicle. Your moped can't be towed by another vehicle.
- If you carry a load it must be secure and must not touch the ground. It must not extend more than one metre in front of or behind the wheels, or half a metre (50 cm) on either side (from the centre of the moped).
It is compulsory for all moped riders on New Zealand roads to wear motorcycle helmets. Your helmet must:
- meet an approved standard
- be securely fastened.
Please note that if a Police officer stops you and asks to inspect your helmet, you must give it to them.
Courtesy on the road
Be considerate of other road users. Where the road is narrow, check that you are not slowing down the traffic flow and let the traffic pass as soon as it's safe.
Registration and licensing
You must register and license your moped for use on the road - but check first that it is really a 'moped' and not a motorcycle (see below). The registration plate must be clearly displayed (and securely attached) at the rear of the moped.
Is it a moped or a motorcycle?
There are slightly different definitions of a moped, depending on the context:
For vehicle registration and licensing: a moped has a power output of 2 KW or under and a maximum design speed of 50 km/h or under. A vehicle with a power output over 2 KW or a maximum design speed over 50 km/h is a motorcycle. It is illegal to register a motorcycle as a moped.
For vehicle importation inspections: a vehicle with an engine over 50 cc or a speed greater than 50 km/h must meet the technical requirements for a motorcycle.
For in-service inspections:a vehicle with an engine over 50 cc or a speed greater than 50 km/h or a power output greater than 2 KW needs to have a warrant of fitness and must meet the technical requirements for a motorcycle.
What equipment must my moped have?
Mopeds must have safety equipment fitted and must be in good condition. Mopeds manufactured on or after the dates in the table must meet approved standards for items listed.
Moped manufactured on
or after this date Must meet approved standard for this item
1 January 1992 reflector
1 October 2002 brakes
1 January 2006 headlamps, stop lamps, rear-facing lamp
Your moped must have at least one service brake on each wheel.
Lighting equipment - lamps and reflectors
Your moped must be fitted with:
- one or two dipped-beam headlamps ('dipped beam' means 'low beam'. It may be a single lamp that is fixed in the dipped position or a lamp that can be dipped by the rider). When turned on, this must illuminate the road in front for at least 30 metres
- at least one red rear-facing lamp that can be seen from 100 metres away when turned on
- at least one rear reflector that can be seen from 100 metres away when light shines on it.
Rear-view mirror
If your moped was manufactured on or after 1 July 2000, it must have a rear-view mirror that gives you a clear view behind the moped.
Other equipment
Your moped must also have:
- good quality tyres. The tread pattern must be clearly visible across at least 3/4 of the tread width and around the entire circumference
- a horn that can be heard by other road users from at least 100 metres away (in normal traffic conditions)
- mudguards (if it is practical to fit them)
- an exhaust system, in good condition, that is not excessively noisy
- adequate footrests or pedals for the rider and any pillion passenger.
Mopeds aren't inspected for a warrant of fitness, but it is up you to:
- make sure your moped is fitted with equipment that complies with the law
- wear your motorcycle helmet
- follow the road rules.
Manufacturers' and retailers' responsibilities
Manufacturers and retailers must make sure that any moped they sell, and its equipment, complies with the law. Standards markings and information supplied by manufacturers can be used to show that a moped and its equipment comply.
It's an offence to sell a motorcycle helmet that doesn't meet an approved standard.
Motorcycle helmet standards
Your helmet should have a sticker inside it stating which standard it complies with.
Where you can find out more
* Call our help desk: (freephone) 0800 699 000.
* Email us: info@landtransport.govt.nz
* Write to us: Land Transport New Zealand, P O Box 2840, Wellington.
Source: http://www.landtransport.govt.nz/factsheets/43.html